The breast augmentation by lipofilling Tunisia is a technique of breast augmentation by autograft of fat. The placement of breast implants is the most used; but the other alternative to breast enlargement is the injection of fat into the breasts.
Lipofilling will help to give volume to the chest by avoiding a foreign body so in a natural way, without risk of rejection. Indeed, it is the patient's own fat that is injected: autologous fat.
Since the onset of liposuction (fat aspiration) in the 1980s, technical improvements have begun to improve the efficiency of fat purification. And, then appeared the lipofilling of the breasts: the sucked fat is injected to increase the volume.
This procedure does not replace all indications for the breast prosthesis, especially in patients who require a large volume and those who have atrophy or breast aplasia.
The breast enlargement by lipofilling in Tunisia allows a volume increase of the order of 1 to 2 cups. And, 30% of the amount of fat will lysate and disappear. The injection session does not exceed on average 300 ml per breast.
In addition, a second intervention is sometimes necessary to obtain the volume that the patient wishes.
Due to the frequency of breast cancer this intervention has long been banned in France.
Since November 2011, breast lipofilling has been validated in France by the French Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Cosmetic Surgery (SOFCEP):
During the consultation with the cosmetic surgeon, the patient receives a thorough examination, an evaluation of her request and the contribution of the technique. Indeed, it will explain the benefits, risks and contraindications.
In addition, before the mammary lipomodelling Tunisia, the complementary examinations to be done: echo-mammography and preoperative biological assessment. Anesthesia consultation is also mandatory. And, we recommend stopping aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs before 15 days of the act (risk of bleeding).
In addition, it is recommended to avoid sunlight in the first weeks to avoid hyperpigmentation.
Finally, the final result is to collect from 3 months. The chest will have a larger volume, with improvement of the silhouette which concerns the sampled zones.
The risks may be related to the anesthesia or the actual surgical procedure. Complications are rare. Infection is prevented by routine antibiotic prophylaxis. The pneumothorax is exceptional.
In addition, one can perceive some imperfections to type of irregularities or asymmetry. They are treatable by a secondary lipomodelage.