The hyaluronic acid is naturally presents in the body which is responsible for the hydration and for the tonic effect of the skin. It disappears little by little in time pulling the appearance of furrows, wrinkles and a loss of volume.
The Wrinkle fillers with hyaluronic acid in Tunisia, realized by Dr Zinelabidine is a technique of reliable and safe plastic surgery.
To fill nasogeniens furrows, restore of the volume in cheekbones, in temples and in hands, plump lips, remodel the outline of the face with immediate and natural results.
The hyaluronic acid synthesis is very well tolerated by the body, is injected in the dermis of the zone to be treated.
He allows: to remove furrows, lines and wrinkles furrows nasogéniens, wrinkle peribuccales, of bitternesses, cheeks), to draw the circumference of lips or correct asymmetries, to restore the lost volumes: cheekbones, temples, oval of the face, the hands.
The brought correction is quickly visible. It will be complete at the end of 15 days in 3 weeks.
This treatment with Hyaluronic acid also drives an improvement of the quality of the skin with a very natural result.
The hyaluronic acid is an absorbable product. He disappears gradually between 6 and 12 months on average according to the patients and the handled zone.
For an effective and sustainable result, it is recommended to make regularly these injections one twice a year.
The resumption of a social and professional activity is immediate after the treatment. Ecchymoses blues and bruises can arise at the level of the injected zones, they will ease in 5 to 7 days which follow and are easily concealable by the make-up.
For a harmonious result of the care of the skin aging, the treatment by hyaluronic acid can be associated with other acts with esthetic aim (treatment laser in Tunisia, injection of botox in Tunisia)..